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「 光 」 是萬物的養分 也是所有人心之所嚮
空間不但要講究設計 更要能處得 「 自在 」
引領每位場域者內心光芒 提升生命品質
創造獨一無二 讓身心靈 得以安居的理想空間
“ Light & Symbiosis ”
Light is essential for all life. But to an even greater extent, light feeds the soul. Using light effectively achieves so much more than merely designing a space, perfect lighting can create a relaxed mood. “ Guang Zi Zai” is people oriented. We genuinely listen to every client’s specific needs and aim to create an environment where humans and nature live in harmony. We want the space to truly strike a chord with your heart, a unique space that reflects the essence of who you are.
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